
How the process works

The process begins with a visit to discuss your special place or vision. We talk style, size, budget, and what space you have for the painting. If I can, I love to get the feeling of the place in person, is there a lot of sun? Wind? Is it an old property? What kinds stories do you associate with it? I take photos and send updates throughout the process. No commission is alike - it’s all about making your unique vision come to life!

types of commissions:

This an example of a commission of a well-loved view. Most commissions I’ve done have been of people’s own properties, but they can be of anywhere! My dad has always loved this mountain in winter so it was great to bring it to life for him. If you have a favorite place, it would probably make a great painting!


This painting was not a commission but it’s a good example of what a portrait commission could look like. Portraits can be so meaningful and personal, and I really love getting to know people through painting them. The process involves photographing the person and getting a sense for who they are. There are many different types of portraits - more abstract, more realistic, with their favorite things… it’s all about the vision of the client. Sometimes it’s even about matching the style of the painting to the personality of the person in the painting! This is a fun and meaningful process for everyone involved and it always creates a great connection between artist and client.

portrait commissions

This is an example of a house portrait commission. Houses can feel like extensions of ourselves and often have so much character. If you’ve lived somewhere a long time or just moved in, it’s fun to celebrate the uniqueness of a house. I love to include elements of the landscape surrounding the property too.

house portraits

This is my mom’s cat Zeke, who I painted for her as a gift but it’s a good example of a pet portrait! I adore animals and getting to know their personalities. Like a portrait of a person, this process involves photographing the dog or cat (or sheep or cow etc!) and spending time with them. These make great gifts and can work in a range or mediums - pencil, oil, pastel, and watercolor all work great. This is a pastel.

pet portraits

This is an example of a commission done in a more expressive style. I wanted to portray how much joy the garden brought to the client so we agreed the garden and grass could be more abstract to make a playful and bright feeling in the painting. There are so many possibilities in this area! Commissions can really go in any direction.

style in commissions

send me an email if you’d like to discuss a commission idea!